Excellent results in short amount of time
Excel·lents resultats en poc temps
Font: MaCoCu
Being lightly armed it fell in little time.
Sent lleugerament armat va caure en poc temps.
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In a short time, Charlotte marries Humbert.
En poc temps, Charlotte es casa amb Humbert.
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In a short time it was working and there were sales.
En poc temps ja funcionava i tenia vendes.
Font: MaCoCu
Most are not serious and remit in no time.
La majoria no són greus i remeten en poc temps.
Font: MaCoCu
Within a short time it was suggested that the organization change its name.
En poc temps es va suggerir que l’organització canviés de nom.
Font: Covost2
Before long, he was promoted to head coach of the club.
En poc temps el van ascendir a primer entrenador del club.
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If a fish from the river gets there, it dies quickly.
Si hi arriba algun peix des del riu, mor en poc temps.
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The installation is simple, the reasonable cost and it is amortized in just a short time.
La instal·lació és simple, el cost assequible i s’amortitza en poc temps.
Font: MaCoCu
With these methods, the effects are triggered almost instantaneously, and then disappear in a short time.
Els efectes també s’activen gairebé a l’instant i desapareixen en poc temps.
Font: MaCoCu
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